Ensuring the confidentiality of customer information is a matter of concern for many countries, especially in the field of digital banking. Singapore has established specific laws to protect personal information, effectively addressing the trends of digital technology. Vietnamese law also aims to protect the rights of citizens, including the right to privacy of personal information. However, the current legal framework in Vietnam still has many shortcomings, necessitating research to develop a solid, comprehensive, and feasible legal mechanism to ensure the safety of consumers’ personal information. Therefore, studying Singapore’s laws on ensuring customer information confidentiality in digital banking, along with drawing lessons for Vietnamese law in this area, is the focus of this article.
Read the full article at: https://phapluatphattrien.vn/phap-luat-bao-dam-bi-mat-thong-tin-khach-hang-khi-su-dung-ngan-hang-so-cua-singapore--kinh-nghiem-cho-viet-nam-d3000.html?utm_source=zalo&utm_medium=zalo&utm_campaign=zalo&zarsrc=30